When your buddies erase their messages before you can view them, how frustrating is that?Curiosity takes over. The answer is right in front of you: WMR!The tool you were searching for is WMR. You can retrieve text messages and media attachments (photos, videos, voice notes, audio, animated gifs, and stickers) with only one tool!With just one app, everything!HOW IT FUNCTIONSOn your smartphone, messages are encrypted, making direct access to them impossible for WMR.Reading them from the notifications you receive and creating a message backup using your notification history is the only workaround.Youll get a notification as soon as WMR detects that a message has been erased!MEDIA FILESAdditionally, WMR will attempt to save any media that is attached to the message, and you will be notified if the sender removes it.It is possible to retrieve the following media types: documents, stickers, audio, voice notes, animated gifs, videos, and photographs.